Programme Integrity Analysis

Programme Integrity Analysis 

An integrity analysis for construction programmes and planning involves a thorough examination of various aspects of a construction project's programmes and planning documents to ensure accuracy, consistency, feasibility, and reliability. The goal of an integrity analysis is to identify any discrepancies, errors, or potential issues that could affect the project's timeline, budget, and overall success.

Once the integrity analysis is complete, any identified issues can be corrected, and the construction programme re-evaluated to ensure its feasibility and realism.

Regular update integrity checks are crucial, especially for complex or long-term projects, as they help in the early identification of potential issues and in making necessary adjustments and mitigation/ acceleration strategies in a timely manner.

Key Elements

The key elements of 4Sight’s Programme Integrity Analysis process are as follows:

Logic and Sequence

The sequence of tasks and activities should be logically structured and adhere to a sensible workflow. Analysis is conducted to ensure that tasks are properly linked and dependencies are correctly defined and accurately represented. This helps prevent tasks from being scheduled in ways that are impossible or inefficient to design, procure or construct.

Float Analysis

Float (or slack) is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying the project finish date. Tasks with excessive float, which can indicate a problem in the sequence or relationships, are identified and examined.

Scope Alignment

Ensuring that the tasks in the programme correspond to the project's defined scope of work. This prevents tasks from being included that aren't relevant to the project's goals.

Duration Estimates 

Ensuring each task's estimated duration is realistic and based on historical data, industry standards, or expert judgment. Overly optimistic or pessimistic estimates can lead to significant schedule deviations and inaccurate project projections.

Constraints and Milestones

Milestones are significant project events or accomplishments. It’s crucial to ensure that constraints (such as start and finish dates) are correctly applied and that important project milestones are accurately represented and contractually compliant.

External Dependencies

These are activities or milestones that depend on external parties or factors. An integrity analysis will verify that these are correctly identified and sequenced.

Critical Path Analysis

The critical path is the sequence of tasks that determines the project's overall duration. It’s important to check the validity of the critical path and ensure it makes logical and practical sense. An integrity analysis verifies that the critical path is accurately identified so that any delays on critical tasks are properly addressed.

Resource Allocation

Resources such as labour, equipment, and materials should be properly allocated to tasks. Resource constraints and their availability should be evaluated to prevent overallocation or resource shortages.

Risk Assessment

This involves evaluating the programme for potential risks and uncertainties that could cause delays or disruptions. This includes considering external factors like weather conditions or unforeseen issues. Our Risk Analysis also includes assessing the liklihood of the programme milestone dates being achieved through the use of risk modelling and simulations.

Contingency Planning

Any identified risks should have associated contingency plans, and the programme should reflect these contingencies, either as buffer times or alternative sequences. A robust programme should therefore include contingencies for potential delays or disruptions. An integrity check examines whether contingency plans are in place and if they are adequate to handle unforeseen challenges.

Progress Tracking

The programme should provide a clear mechanism for tracking and updating project progress. An integrity analysis check verifies that the schedule can be effectively monitored and adjusted as needed.

Version Control

Ensuring that the most up-to-date version of the programme is being used and that any changes are accurately documented and communicated to all relevant parties.

Communication and Control

The programme should be communicated effectively to all relevant stakeholders and be clear, understandable, and accessible to all team members. The integrity analysis will investigate if construction planning documents are properly versioned, archived, and easily retrievable.

Method Statements

All Baseline Programmes should be accompanied by a detailed Method Statement which explains how the programme was developed, especially regarding estimated durations, resources, risks, contingencies and which details any assumptions made during the planning process. This is also required for Update Programmes that introduce changes to the Baseline Programme as well as Mitigation and Acceleration Programmes. 4Sight will review any Method Statements to ensure compliance with the Programmme and will assist in the production of new Method Statements to help communicate the intent of programmes and how they should be managed.

Experiental Feedback

It is important to ensure that feedback from experienced project stakeholders, especially those managing and executing specific tasks, are incorporated into the programme development process. They will have practical insights that will be invaluable in ensuring the integrity of the planning.

The 4Sight team consists of highly specialised and experienced planners, forensic planners, project controls and delay experts. We use this experience to provide detailed recommendations on how to improve existing programmes, but also develop new baseline, update, mitigation and acceleration programmes as required.

If you would like to discuss your specific planning and programme needs, please request a consultation below.

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